Frequently asked questions:

If your bird means something and you want it mounted, it needs to be handled and stored properly. The better the birds condition, the better it will turn out. 


Why are prices going up?  Well, thanks to the corrupt people running our country, material shortages are causing massive cost increases in supplies. Minimum of 130% increases on major items such as bird bodies, eyes, heads and base materials. So that all adds up and I've had to raise my prices to match. I also work at a new home and shop and mortgage costs are very high. 

Is my bird in good plumage?

Here are some examples of what to look for in a bird to tell if it is a good specimen for the wall. 

Early season birds are most often not worth mounting because they are full of pinfeathers and they fall out easily.

Wood ducks- 

A drake should have a crest that is very long and almost reaches to the back. The sidepockets should be fully grown and the wings should be completely grown in. Early season birds will not have the 2 dark white edged wing feathers that grow near the body of the bird.

Teal- Mount these in December and January. They plume out late and should have the double black line on the shoulders and a long pointed crest. 

Teal are often mounted wway too early in the season.This accounts for all 3 species.

We strive for a high level of quality.  We have seen others mount these to early in the season and the results are not up to our standard.